Here’s my recent collaboration work with Ülemiste shopping centre. The main idea was to visit few stores and to pick my very own skin care treatments.
Captured by Marek Metslaid
LUSH – handmade cosmetics store. My favorites: glam golden bath bomb, Easter related products, hand scrub (the skin is super gentle after applying it), shower gelly that my son is fond of. These products turn any skin care rituals into a fun time.

Biomarket – cosmetics and food store featuring any bio products. There I’ve found new face treatments from @drhauschkaestonia . To be frank, I’m facing big problems in terms of looking fresh and cheery these days. Lack of sleep and vitamin deficiency becomes a major concern for me now. That’s why I’ve decided to try something free from synthetic that may help to improve my skin tone. Fingers crossed and big hopes on this super German skincare brand!

In Südameapteek there were plenty of good products. For example, Bioderma Ultra-Nourishing Emollient Balm suits my skin as well as baby’s skin. This moisturiser is perfect for winter/spring period when the skin is so dry. Merz Spezials beauty vitamins improve everything – from skin tone to strong nails. Definitely the thing to try in my list. And something very highly recommended – Placent Active. This hair treatment will help me to get back my hair (as I’ve started loosing them when quitting from breastfeeding). I plan to get another course of these magic capsules any time soon.