Right, guys, those who follow me on Instagram already know that we’ve moved to Switzerland. For how long? Don’t know, seems like forever.
Anyway, this is the second time I’ve moved to this country. A significant part of this change is that I started blogging here in Switzerland. Almost nine years have passed, and I’m still doing that with no plans to quit.
To be frank, the decision in favour of moving to a new country was made quickly – our family is very enthusiastic when it comes to new experiences and opportunities. But relocating with kids can be really challenging. Good they are still small and positive to everything new.
Truth is, I’ve been totally stressed for the last couple of months as there’s absolutely no-one to help you with kids, meanwhile I’m still working on my HAY-HAY project, trying to deal with the household and find some good childcare/healthcare facilities, leisure activities… and new friends, of course! Loneliness, doubts, and stress will accompany us at first as our old life in Tallinn seemed to be full of exciting events and meetings. Although getting out of the comfort zone is not always fun, it still takes you to another, stronger level. And there’s no perfect time to turn our lives upside down!

I’m really thankful to BabyShop for this amazing kid’s stroller – Phil&Teds Mod. Our boys are riding it in turn. How cute does it look?
