Here it is, my most anticipated post (according to me) I’ve been willing to publish. It took me for about a week to analyse the past year and highlight most significant moments. The year was extremely difficult one – moving to another country, dealing with two kids almost all alone, maintaining my concept store and blog activity… The only goal I’ve set in the beginning of 2018 was to settle down in the new country. To my surprise, we’ve managed to adapt to new surroundings way more quicker and do things I wasn’t even planning to do. This definitely motivates to set bigger goals and patiently proceed following your dreams.
Biggest news for 2018 are about our relocation from Estonia to Switzerland. People still tend to ask us why we moved here and what for. This decision was made fast, although I’m still missing my Estonian way of life. We still plan visiting Tallinn & Yerevan very often to maintain our contacts.

Yerevan Fashion Forum
I’m so thankful to be a part of that great educational event happened in Yerevan last summer. Who’d have thought I’ll meet there world known photographer Adam Katz Sinding, find good contacts in Swiss or discuss some industry aspects with Anton Yeremenko, Fashion Editor at Harper’s Bazaar Ukraine. Three full days of Fashion Forum where I’ve shared my experience in online promotion.

Fashion Exhibition
Having done some fashion shows, editorials, pop-ups and lookbooks, this was one of the biggest projects so far – selecting, styling and curating an exhibition of best pieces from Armenian Designers “Offsprings of Noah”. I think we did a great job together with Fashion & Design Chamber of Armenia! Good to have a team of professional and passionate workaholics. See the full post from the exhibition and backstage report.

Family events
Arman turned 4 yo, while Anri was celebrating his 1st Birthday party. And we had our 6th wedding anniversary.

Personal styling in Switzerland
I wasn’t planning to do much styling work in the very beginning of our relocation to Switzerland. But during summer I was invited to join the team of Swiss stylists in the new startup – myProfashional. myProfashional connects independant and authentic people to go shopping together, provide shoppers with unbiased style advice, free from any intentions to sell. And guess what, I’ve already had a personal shopping tour with local client.

Hair transformations
Having short hair means always having your head fresh. That’s pretty cool when the head is full of ideas and thoughts. That’s why I decided to cut them off last summer. Again. And then, I turned silver blonde. That’s the craziest decision I made so far! I’m still somewhere between blonde and brunette. Concerns relate only to my regular wardrobe as there are still plenty of combos for dark brown hair. Wearing my outfits as a blonde sometimes may look too provocative. And that’s a big issue while living in Switzerland.
Currently I’m having pink hair, but that’s the toning shampoo. My hair color varies now, cause I mix all those color washes every time, so the contrast between my natural dark hair and coloured blond is minimal. I was really worried how my growing hair would look like in next couple of months. But it seems that everything is more than ok – nothing’s been damaged, and aesthetically looks pretty!

HAY-HAY pop-ups
When moving to Switzerland I hardly could imagine I’d do several pop-ups and even organise a fashion event in Zurich. But here we are, by the end of 2018, we have 3 pop-ups, 1 summit and 1 evening event with guests. Unbelievable! Special thanks to all our supporters!
HAY-HAY’s pop-up in Switzerland – an excellent opportunity for many people to get to know new talented names and become closer to the Armenian vision of fashion!
- HAY-HAY pop-up in Zurich ,27 Aug – 1 Sept
- HAY-HAY Christmas pop-up in Zurich, 17 Dec – 22 Dec
- POP UP Market Schweiz in Zurich, 30 October

Business fair with Successful Women of Switzerland
I took a part in the summit dedicated to entrepreneurial women among Russian-speakers in Switzerland. Great experience to meet new women who love what they do and succeed in that.

Fashion events in Zurich
Already in May I got my first invitation to attend several fashion shows and events in Zurich, which included Mode Suisse, African Fashion Festival, exhibition in Kunsthaus, new collection presentations, etc.

Tallinn Fashion Week
This year I had a full coverage during TFW, and haven’t skipped a single show. Moreover, my outfits were featured to Best Dressed several times.
- Moenädala esimese päeva kõige stiilsemad ei kartnud piiridega mängida
- Tallinn Fashion Weeki kolmanda päeva kuulsad ja kirevad külalised moepidu nautimas
- TALLINN FASHION WEEK: moetoimetaja valik: 2. päeva stiilseimad külalised
- Что носят на Неделе моды в Таллине
- 24 Самых ярких и модных образа гостей Таллиннской Недели Моды

I guess my biggest media appearance was on the 24th February being behind the cameras. Second year in a row I’m honoured to live-stream on ETV+ from President’s Reception on Estonian Independence Day. There were almost 1500 guests, never-ending blue gowns and folk costumes, sophisticated accessories and even a pair of different shoes. And only two of us who barely managed to follow every person stepping on the carpet.
- Ma elan siin. Armeenlanna Lucine Ayanian
- Стилист Лусине Аянян: главная тенденция Таллиннской недели моды — мы не замерзнем!
- 6 Эстонских-блогеров, на которых стоит подписаться
- Как одеться летом: Черпаем вдохновение у эстонских фешн-блогеров
- СЛШ#5: Tallinn Fashion Week 2018 (starts at 4:55min)

Styling during workshop
Styling 3 sets ( romantic couple, fashionistas, women’s portrait) for Russia’s Top photographer Irina Nedyalkova and her workshop in Tallinn. Pictures captured by other 16 photographers who participated in the workshop.

Yerevan HAY-HAY meeting
Our first year anniversary I decided to share with our current HAY-HAY designers and potential partners. I’m glad we’ve managed to gather about 40 creatives at one place. We did a short overview on our mission, year’s achievement and what we want to gain in the nearest future.

Creative styling: Sweets & Jewellery
Photoshoot organised by Maria Mylnikova and the group of creative girls. I styled 3 outfits featuring jewellery from Glanz&Glamuur, NV by Kriss, Alena Demchenko; and outfits from VANPRE showroom.

- Blogija Luciné Ayanian võtab riideid ka abikaasa riidekapist
- Почему в Эстонии “боятся” моды: Отвечает Лусинэ Аянян
- Armeenias sündinud Lucine Ayanian naudib kodus perega veedetud aega
- Ягодицы в стразах на Таллиннской Неделе Моды: Лусинэ Аянян отвечает на популярные вопросы возмущенной публики
- С чего все начиналось: Lucine’s Blog
- Можно ли в Эстонии заработать на имиджмейкинге? Отвечают стилисты
- Вердикт стилистов: В чем стоит и в чем не стоит ходить на вечеринки в Таллинне
- Elu läbi nullklaaside ehk miks me kanname stiiliprille?

Eurovision Song Contest. National election in Estonia
Superfinalists at Eurovision national election in Estonia, band @vaje was wearing Sinoian bombers and Shabeeg t-shirts from HAY-HAY. I just helped them to find the proper outfits and look stunning during their performance!

This year featured several collaborations with following brands: Pandora, restaurant ORE, l’Occitane, MARAT, Polhem PR, Marsaana, MARAT, Schwarzkopf, Nestle, etc… One of the most significant was team work of our Bloggersmarket gang with H&M and Nautica Shopping mall.

Fashion Vibes Milano
On 18 September I attended Fashion Vibes Milano – show of emerging designers from different countries organized by TB Showroom&Matryoshka.G✨
Glad that our HAY-HAY was in the list of partners and supporters.⭐

Explore Switzerland

House Hunters episode filming
Most of you know I’m experienced working on TV, but it was something extraordinary. We can’t post any spoilers or backstage pics yet, just let you know that we were filming an episode for House Hunters International show in October. Amazing experience! Barely imagine what it’s going to be. Watch us on TLC/Fine Living channels this Spring. Yay!

Fashion Articles
- Стилист: весной и летом в мире моды будет царить фиолетовый
- Прогноз стилиста Лусинэ Аянян: 5 возможных коллабораций H&M в будущем
- Комбинезон, боди и туфли-лодочки: в чем встречать 2019 год
- Moeblogija räägib, kuidas ta oma välumust kardinaalselt muudab
H&M Studio AW18
Honoured to be one selected blogger wearing H&M Studiocollections before the release.

Wardrobe sale
Two times this year I had a big wardrobe sale – at Buduaar Turg and Basaar kirbukas in Tallinn. All unsold items were donated to charity.
Before the relocation, I also invited most of my friends to come and choose whatever they want from my wardrobe. That was a huge clearance!

Fashion Talk Geneva
For the first time Fashion Talk Geneva arranged a meeting to discuss on the topics related to fashion industry, design, fabrics, style etc. Great opportunity to meet new people and share your experience. I had a short presentation speech on the most common problems and mistakes I face when working with emerging designers. This discussion was very interesting especially in terms of questions, and I’m glad the feedback was more than positive. Can’t wait for another cocktail event!

Group Workshops
For several times I’ve been invited to give a fashion & style workshop for group of professionals – WELLA team in Estonia (organised by Denis Kovalenko Salon) and La Galleria staff who works with pret-a-porter collections in Yerevan. Thank you for your trust!

RAMBALKOSHE Party in Yerevan
I hardly could imagine when posting a video from Burning Man festival with Armenian song, that soon in Yerevan I would attend event DZEN : Viken Arman, Goldcap, Almo / Davit Yukhanyan by Rambalkoshe – a party with two of the most famous Armenian DJs out there ( Goldcap&Viken Arman) . A 7-hour music event accompanied with Davit Yukhanyan‘s solo exhibition. Amazing night with amazing people around! ❤️That was really good!
Our monthly family savings got a proper sum by the end of the year, so my dad picked a charity group where to donate the money. I guess these kids from Armenian border villages deserve brighter future. Wish them all the best!