Our episode is about the struggles of glam drama queen who loves her shoes and hates the cows, who tries to blend into the Swiss surroundings by making her family happy.😃 lol

We are thrilled and stressed meantime – it was the most amazing family experience for 4 of us. We’ve been filming for 5 days from 7am till late night. Huge thanks to the whole Leopard USA team, and UK crew who joined us in Switzerland. You were so supportive!

Many people keep asking about our relocation and the period of adaptation. What I can say is that it requires time to get use to new life. You are literally starting everything from the scratch. But what is more important – there are way more possibilities than you expect. You never know what’s there until you try it. I’m really happy we’ve made that decision year ago. By now I’ve managed to built my own network with amazing contacts that help me to implement almost all my fashion ideas.