Garage48, Estonian Refugee Council and Unity for the Future Charitable Fund invite women in eastern Ukraine to take part in the Empowering Women Entrepreneurship Program! Develop your micro- and small business ideas with a team, win entrepreneurship grants and develop a sustainable business supporting a better livelihood for your family. It’s a combination of workshops, expert mentoring, and teamwork.

- During the first three days of the programme we’ll be focusing on the business idea, how to design your product or service, how to calculate your risk and opportunities, and what is the marketing strategy for your target audience.
- Two days full of workshops will be led by women specialists and entrepreneurs ready to share their experience
Lucine Ayanian is the Founder and CEO of HAY-HAY. She is a marketing expert and creative director with more than 10 years of experience in the industry. Lucine will be sharing her experience and knowledge on branding and social media marketing.. The aim of Lucine’s presentation is to empower and motivate young women – entrepreneurs to start their businesses during their hard times. On a personal example, she will share her business path during maternity leave, country relocation, global pandemic, and war conflict.

The Empowering Women Entrepreneurship Programme is funded by Estonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs under the Fund for Development and Humanitarian Aid